

SAS au capital de 5.000 €

RCS CAEN 834 779 209 


Rond point d'accès du Cimetière Americain

Lotissement Omaha Center

14 710 Colleville-sur-mer


This online store was created using PrestaShop software by WEEZY:


In compliance with article L. 612-1 of the French Consumer Code, and subject to article L.612.2 of the French Consumer Code, consumers are entitled to submit a request for amicable settlement by mediation, provided they do so less than one year after informing the professional in writing of their claim/complaint.


This company has chosen SAS Médiation Solution as its consumer mediation body, by registering with it under number 51104/VM/2036.


To refer a matter to the mediator, a consumer must submit a request:

- In writing to:

Sas Médiation Solution

222 chemin de la Bergerie

01800 Saint Jean de Niost

Tel. 04 82 53 93 06


- Or by email to:


- Or by filling in the online form entitled “Saisir le médiateur” [referral to the mediator] on the website


Irrespective of the method of referral, it is essential that the following be included with the request:


- The applicant’s postal address, telephone numbers and electronic contact details,

- The relevant professional’s name, address and registration number with Sas Médiation Solution,

- A brief account of the facts. The consumer must explain to the mediator what he/she expects to achieve from mediation and why,

- A copy of the initial claim/complaint,

- All documents of use to examine the request (order form, invoice, proof of payment, etc.)