BD 6th june 1944 - OVERLORD - English Version

16,02 €

illustrator MISTER KIT - Author SERGE SAINT-MICHEL - publisher OREP EDITIONS 

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Livraison : 3 jours


à l'international

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Number of pages : 82

Language : English 

"Since a good drawing is often of greater value than a thousand explanations, who could tell the tale of Operation Overlord and the Allied landings in Normandy better than a comic strip? Without wishing to parody a famous phrase published by an equally famous newspaper whose readers range from 7 to 70 years, one can but admit that the comic strip targets a very wide readership. 

Through the association of text and illustration, it can readily be compared to both literature and cinema with the added advantage of being concise and straight to the point. 

And that's probably why children, teenagers and adults alike all read comic strips with the same keen interest. 

May this book not only pass on the message of those who lived through the occupation and the battles that were to follow, but also enable the future generations to appreciate the price of freedom. Such are my wishes as, on behalf of the Normandy Landings Committee, it is my pleasure to support this intitiative". 

Admiral BRAC de la PERRIERE